25+ Text Messages to Cheer Someone Up
Sending someone who’s feeling down a cheery message is one of the nicest things you can do but finding an effective way to say something uplifting isn’t always easy. To help you help someone you know and care about feel more optimistic, we advise you to read the following messages and send the one you feel will make the person you are concerned about smile.
Feel free to use as many as you like and choose the ones you think are most appropriate.

Table of Contents
- Funny Text Messages To Cheer Someone Up
- Text Messages To Cheer Someone Up After a Breakup
- Funny Memes to Cheer Someone Up
Funny Text Messages To Cheer Someone Up
These text messages are designed to cheer your text recipient up and make him or her laugh.
- For fun and giggles, constantly smile to make people wonder what you’re smiling about.
- Whether you see the glass as half empty or half full, top it off with scotch, drink up, and laugh until it hurts.
- Why frown when you can smile and show everyone how well those teeth whiteners worked. Smile and be joyful!
- Laugh loudly so the nosey neighbors can hear you. Make them more curious than they already are.
- Be an optimist, win the lottery, and share the winnings with the person texting you this message.
- If you ever think you’ve lost your mind and decide to go looking for it, keep your eyes open for mine because it’s probably in the same place yours is. Laugh and be happy!
- Everyone makes mistakes, but some do it better than others. Be happy you’re not good at it.
- Someday you’ll have all the things you ever wanted. When that day comes, you’ll have me asking you if I can borrow some of those things.
- Cheer up, look up and move forward, but be careful not to step in any dog poop along the way.
- If your cat regurgitates a hairball, be thankful it didn’t wind up on your pillow. Be happy about the good things in life.
- Know that it took two hours and three glasses of wine to write this text. Hope you’re happy because I sure am.
- Throw your cares out the window and put on a happy face. Just make sure you don’t hit someone in the head with them when you do.
Text Messages To Cheer Someone Up After a Breakup
A breakup can be very upsetting. With a few caring words, you can make someone going through a breakup smile.
- Don’t think negatively. Breaking up is the beginning of a whole new chapter in your life.
- Sometimes a breakup leads to a makeup. Life is full of surprises.
- I have two shoulders to cry on and two good ears that will always listen to what you have to say. Let me help you feel better.
- Your loss is actually her loss. The one who hurt you will realize that one day.
- Smile because I care. I will do anything to see that this breakup doesn’t break you down.
- I know that breakups hurt, but I also know time heals, and tomorrow is another day. Look forward to the future.
- If you ever feel lonely after your breakup, call me and I’ll come over to cheer you up.
- Even the pain of a breakup doesn’t last forever. Let’s get together and make a toast to better times ahead.
- If the breakup was your decision, trust that you did the right thing. Nothing can change for the better when you have someone blocking the entrance-way to your life.
- Trust that God has a plan that will bring you much happiness. Believe that this breakup was part of that plan.
- Feelings of sadness are only as intense as you make them. If you think happy thoughts, you’ll smile and chase the blues away.
- I care, I care, I care. Just wanted you to know, I care about you.
- Have a good cry if it makes you feel better, but don’t dwell in the land of misery when you have people like me waiting to meet with you in a happier place.
- A breakup gives you the chance to find someone who will love you the way you want to be loved. Heal from the pain and use this time to find that special someone.
Funny Memes to Cheer Someone Up
A funny pic will do the dirty job. Thank the internet, not us (well, ok, us too!).
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